Scarf My Country Rosie Tarku King Pink x One Of Twelve

Sale price$220.00

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Beautiful and Vibrant Scarf

In this whimsical work, Rosie Tarku King evokes a shower of wildflowers as they are tossed around the arid desert air on the wind.

Underlying the playfulness of the work is an advanced ecological understanding, demonstrated by the artist’s nuanced depiction of the nuanced movements of the wind.

Tarku King, known for her surprisingly contemporary palettes, creates a cacophony of colour in acid green, hot pink and magenta. A colour-haze reminiscent of the hot plumes of dust, native grasses and tiny flowers that cloud the sky in willy-willies and dust storms on windy desert days.

108cm x 108cm 16mm 100% silk satin with hand rolled edges and double sided printing.

The journey continues. Empowering Indigenous entrepreneurs & artists.


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